I found Addy standing in the maze trying to put a shoe on. I helped her then told her to get the other shoe.
She tried to put that one on as well. On the same foot. A day is not complete until Addy wears shoes.
Pretty routine for the shelves to be cleared off withing a matter of minutes. Normally Addy is the one who tries to climb the shelves, guess Beckett was taking notes.
Addy took a doll out of the closet leaving it on the floor stopping Beckett in his tracks as he was crawling by. He was scared of the hair.
Eloise peeking out from the depths of the crib maze. Daddy did her hair.
Beckett dancing his way through the crib maze. He'll walk holding onto inanimate objects. The minute I try to get him to walk holding my hands he sits down.
This girl has superbaby strength. The latest hobby is to pick up large objects and carry them around. Step-stools, wagons, Little People farm, books... Eloise and Beckett have not been targets, yet.
Anything look strange in this picture? Look for Rich's feet. He hides in the closet and then the triplets attack.
"Addy, where is your belly?"
A bath escapee...
Another escapee. Eloise got a little farther than Addy.
They get cuter every day, if that is possible. I can't even imagine what this must be like for you. It is hilarious to watch from afar, however! Thank you so much for keeping up with this blog! Amazing doesn't even begin to describe you... And these babies are just beautiful and enchanting!