Remember back in March we went to the Dallas Arboretum? Today we went back. It looked a little different because all of the tulips were gone but still pretty impressive given the month of triple digit temperatures.
So we sat on this big hill under a tree overlooking the lake with sailboats going by. Oh, what a life.
The girls would just kind of wander around our blanket and occasionally come back to bring us a stick or get water.
Addy is much more of a wanderer.
We'd go get her if too far or was a little too curious about someone else's blanket.
I'm pretty sure each time she was headed down the hill. This time I got in front of her.
No fear. She was trying to run down the hill.
Whenever she fell down she would just pick herself up and keep going.
Eloise would only go 15 or so yards from the blanket and the only time she went further was when Rich walked down the hill with Addy, she got very concerned and followed him yelling, "Da, Da, Da"
Beckett had no interest whatsoever to crawl off the blanket. All he wanted to do was drink water. This was the first time they used these so it wasn't so much drinking as getting squirted in the face and soaking his clothes.
He still has a fear of the grass. After about 90 minutes, this was the best I could get and that was after luring him off the blanket with Veggie Stix.
I even tried to put him in different places where he didn't have to be on the grass. All it did was make him mad.
Hmm, maybe I should have tried a group picture before everyone was hot, tired, and bored.
Time to go.
Next on the list- BBQ, Tex-Mex food, and South Fork Ranch!
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