Our nanny, Maria, has 3 daughters. I've mentioned Jenny before but one of her other daughters, Sabrina, is also a nanny. On Friday she brought over the the 2 girls that she takes care of, Matilda and BB for pictures and a little play date. They were just so sweet and adorable and my kids really love to watch and imitate older kids.
Maria and the crew.
Addy thinks she is a big girl and even stole a bracelet from one of the girls. Here are the big girls- BB, Matilda and Addy.
Addy was so serious so we were all hopping around yelling, "Smile!" Matilda was kind enough to try and help Addy to smile.
Eloise taking full advantage of having free range of the downstairs. This girl will walk for hours.
Maria and the babies. It is going to be sad to say goodbye to Maria because she, along with her daughters, have been so wonderful to our babies. We are going to miss you!
Okay, back to the title of the post...
Today we got dressed up again for our friend Rylan's 1st birthday party.
He got the best birthday present- a slide. Sorry sweet boy that my little critters took over.
LOVE this picture of Addy.
And the most fascinating big kids so far...This is Ella, Rylan's big sister. She is a total hoot. Your hair would be stuck to you too if you spent the last 30 minutes in a bounce house in 90 degree weather!
Eloise loved to watch Addy go down the slide. She would scream with laughter.
Hey brother, what is that? That looks like fun.
Rylan is sooo lucky. He has a slide AND a big sister AND balloons.
Happy Birthday Rylan! And thank you for giving us these beautiful clothes on our birthday!
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