I had been waiting all winter for this; glorious spring day to take the babies outside and let them sit on a blanket in the grass and it just happen to fall on the day they turned 9 months old. After about 2 minutes of taking pictures, Bella could not stand not getting attention so she sat next to Addy and posed for pictures with them. Watch out Bella!
Phew! Addy was just petting her and Bella sat there almost purring like a cat she was so happy.
After pictures, we then went to the park by our house for a doggie birthday party for our next-door neighbor Great Dane, Mae.
Here she is wearing a sun dress eating Bambi.
Since it was their first party, the babies were not really sure of proper party etiquette much less proper etiquette for a doggie birthday party. They stayed in their stroller and just watched Mae and Harley (with a bow tie party favor) eat treats.
Harley was taunting Beckett about having to wear a helmet when he got to wear a party hat.

9 Month Statistics
Beckett doing a little computer programming after breakfast.
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz, less than 5th percentile, Height26 1/2 inches, 5th percentile
Look at that scratch on her face. She did it to herself, probably because she was so uncomfortable about her new TOOTH she got yesterday.
Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz, Height: 25 1/2 inches, less than 5th percentile on both
Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz, 5th percentile, Height: 26 1/2 inches, 10th percentile
Now crawling yet but rocks back and forth on all fours trying to figure it out. Any day now!
Love the first party pics.... and good gosh the babies are beautiful!!