Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Like Father Like Son

I've said before that there are few things that are worthy of upsetting our schedule. Might as well throw the schedule out the window this month; not only is it World Cup but more importantly (for Rich) it is TOUR DE FRANCE time.

To prepare the kids for the importance of the Tour, Rich let the kids touch the new racing wheel for his tri bike. It doesn't get any better for Beckett.

He was totally enthralled. He couldn't get enough. It was like the best day of his life.

It was the best day until it was time to finish eating. Talk about a heartbroken little boy.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and that Beckett is so enthralled with a wheel. Sounds like Clark and Rich should go for a ride. Clark just bought a new road bike. We figured if he didn't do it now, he wouldn't do it once the babies came. He has been so excited for the tour too. We actually got cable solely for the tour. :) Poor Lance, he's not doing too well.
