Addy eating her noodles so sweetly.
Beckett sucking down his noodles.
Eloise savoring her food as always. She'll eat anything and everything.
Addy getting a little rambunctious smashing noodles into her face.
Addy stealing noodles from Beckett.
Addy stealing food from Eloise.
Eloise stealing food from Addy.
Addy raising her hand to tattle on Eloise and Eloise tries to pull her arm down.
Addy lays down on the table to tease Beckett. Notice that Eloise doesn't have a bowl? She was sneaking all of her food under the table to feed the pugs so she lost bowl privileges.
The teasing get sillier and sillier and it is all fun and games until...
Someone gets poked in the eye and the victim AND offender become hysterical.
Beckett recovered from his altercation with Addy to pose with his full bowl of food that he refused to eat.
I guess we should have gone with the other table.
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