Guess he showed us.
For now the girls are not sharing in Beckett's rough stage. They have really been great eaters lately with using spoons and trying new foods. I figured out that they really like to eat things with rinds like oranges, melons and pineapple. I think it is something about having a sort of handle so to speak.
We are still working on not eating the rind- right girls?
Like mom like daughter. It's all about the accessories.
Now on to bath time. You never know who it is going to be but it seems that each day at least one person fights taking a bath. For a while it was Beckett because he couldn't bring his magazine into the bathtub with him. About once a week Addy poops in the tub so then she is freaked out the next day. The last couple of nights it has been Eloise not wanting to take a bath. That girl can SCREAM. So we get her in and out as fast as possible on these nights so the neighbors don't call CPS on us. But before getting into the tub all the kids turn into a bunch of hooligans running around naked and usually peeing on the floor at some point. Better than the tub. What is it when you take their clothes off they just turn into maniacs? That's probably why they don't get into the tub because I let them run wild for too long. Why would they want to get in the tub when they could be moving potty chairs, tossing toys in the tub, opening and closing the door, squatting on the floor and trying to get into the diaper pail.
This past weekend when my mom was here they were pretending to put one foot outside of the bathroom on the carpet when they were naked. They know they are not supposed to leave the bathroom without a diaper so it was pretty funny to watch them test their limits with one little foot. Actually, it was one little foot but they were making these huge exaggerated steps for effect. I have pictures but a little too revealing for public viewing. But I have no problem posting pics of their cute little bums.
Action shots trying to catch the waterfall courtesy of Daddy.
He's way more fun than Mama.
Now from naked to bundled up. The bitter cold is gone (for now) so we took the kids to the park to play. Beckett took his first step in the snow, fell down, wasn't able to get up and freaked out about the snow. The whole experience was not very much fun for him. They are not used to the whole hat, mittens, snowsuit and boot get up so that and snow was a little too much. You know what a sweaty mess it is to carry around a kid in a slippery snow suit while walking in those boots on a foot of packed snow?
Eloise on the other hand loved the swing so much she almost fell asleep in it.
Addy thought it was okay. She always acts as if things are a little too pedestrian for her unless it is her idea. Or she is doing something super dangerous like this...
A rare family picture.
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