Our festivities today were inspired by Auntie Vicki who took off today from work to watch "The Wedding" and even contemplated ordering a wedding cake. That is pure genius and dedication. Since most every day is a day off for me just sitting around eating cake and bons bons I had to take today's festivities in a different direction. Also, I recently went to doctor and got weighed for the first time in almost a year and realized what a toll my body has taken from incorporating cake as one of my main food groups. I would have liked nothing better than to order a wedding cake but the impending summer clothes made me think the better of it.
I took the kiddos to one of my favorite bakeries for our royal snacks but they didn't have wedding cake cookies like I had hoped so I had to settle for a garden party theme with bee hive, butterfly and flower cookies. I set the DVR with half a thought that I would get up at 4 to watch it live but that was just crazy talk.
My initial plan was to have our tea party for morning snack and watch the wedding. I was listening to the BBC while making breakfast and just dying, and I mean dying to turn on the TV to see the dress and just get a glimpse of the action but I knew that would turn our whole morning schedule upside down. I would be risking temper tantrums and possibly not eating breakfast so I didn't turn it on. The best laid plans with this crew can be dashed in an instant so you kind of have to go with the flow. It was the sunniest day we've had in a long time and the kids were so antsy this morning so we had to postpone our party for a walk to the lake instead.
I didn't want to see any coverage until our party so I didn't even turn on my computer for fear that I might accidentally see something. Finally the kids woke up from their naps and it was time!!!!
The plan was for the girls to put on their party tutus. I would have loved for Sir Beckett to wear his seersucker jacket but I learned my lesson with that jacket on Easter. Just the sight of it makes him scream with fear. I have no idea why. But little Miss Addy would not cooperate with the tutus. I thought for sure she would be the first one to get dressed up. Just look what she picked out for herself yesterday. Tights over the top of a swimsuit over the top of a tee shirt.
Eloise was the only one who cooperated with the outfit change- kind of. For some reason, the girls are scared of their big tutus but I managed to get one on her. I had set up their little table with their tea set, water in the teapot, frosted cookies, balloons on the chairs, and the table set with two bouquets of spray roses. I'll let the pictures tell the story...
Unlike THE KISS, this is where is gets a little sloppy and slurpy...
Noses have been running all week. Why would they stop for a party?
It's not a real party until someone climbs on the table. And subsequently falls off.
My little Addycakes- on spot with her bunny ears fastener.
The kids were not really watching the tv, until Kate appeared in that dress and Beckett was mesmerized (or it was the music).
Just a few highlights, in my opinion.
-The hats and fasteners which is a new favorite word in my vocabulary. I just died over the hats. I'm a hat girl. More of a baseball hat and sloppy beret kind of girl. But to wear one of those hats. I was breathless.
-The yellow coat worn by the queen. Fab. Love her glasses with the purse too.
-The dress. At first I wasn't sure, not what I was expecting. But how beautiful and I'm sure the TV, even HD, does not do it justice. The back of it is what sold me. From the front, I would take it or leave it but the back? Blown away.
-Prince Harry. Need I say more?
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